ETH Zurich - ISMANAM 2010 - Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

The abstract should convey the content, significance and originality of the research and should clearly state the new results and the major conclusions. One participant may submit no more than 2 abstracts.

Authors may state their oral/poster presentation preference but the final decision will be made by the Symposium committees.

The length of the abstract should be less than 300 words.

Please note that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to March 31th.
(Abstracts for oral contributions submitted after this date cannot be considered any more.)

Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by April 20, 2010.

The proceedings will be published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds (JALCOM). The acceptance of the abstract does not constitute acceptance of the manuscript, which will be subject to the review procedures of the journal.

Please note:

>> Abstract submission is closed. <<


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© 2010 ETH Zürich | Impressum | 26.05.2010