ETH Zurich - ISMANAM 2010 - Payment Instructions

Payment Instructions

After your registration, you will receive a confirmation by email together with a reference number, which will link your registration to your payment.
Please pay the applicable conference fee by bank transfer, and make it payable to the following account:

Account holder: ETH Zurich
Address: Accounts Payable, SEW
Zip code and city: 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Bank name/address: Swiss Post, Post Finance, CH-3030 Bern, Switzerland
Account number: 30-1171-7
Clearing number: 9000
CH550900000030001171 7
Message/reference: [your personal reference number] [your name],
e.g.: 33334444    John Smith

If you have to cancel your confirmed and paid registration for any reason there will be no refund after June 4, 2010. Prior to that date, you can apply for a 50% refund of the amount received by ISMANAM 2010 minus bank fees.


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© 2009 ETH Zürich | Impressum | 05.11.2009